SCOPE IPR – 2024-2025 Work Plan 1 (AWP1)

As a beneficiary-driven project, SCOPE IPR is designed to address the specific needs of ASEAN Member States (AMS). Building on the groundwork laid by previous projects, such as ARISE+ IPR and the ECAP III Phase II. As the SCOPE IPR implementing agency, the EUIPO has collaborated closely with the ASEAN Working Group on Intellectual Property Cooperation (AWGIPC) to formulate the implementation strategy. This ensures that the priorities of the region are fully integrated into the project’s activities, making it relevant and impactful.

The ARISE+ IPR project’s final evaluation identified several critical intellectual property (IP) challenges that are being addressed under SCOPE IPR. Essential for the further development and protection of IP in the region, these cross-cutting issues include:

  • capacity building for IP administration and enforcement authorities;
  • enhancing IP legal and regulatory frameworks;
  • improving IP registration procedures;
  • increased utilisation of IP from the business community;
  • awareness and education on the risks of counterfeiting and piracy.

The Annual Work Plan 1 (AWP1) for 2024-2025 is the product of extensive consultations with key stakeholders, including AMS and the ASEAN Secretariat. These discussions have helped define the region’s most pressing needs and priorities while ensuring alignment with the ongoing 2016-2025 ASEAN IPR Action Plan. This process has guided the AWP1 structuring to address the AMS’ expressed needs and requirements, ensuring that the plan is not only comprehensive but also highly targeted towards achieving tangible results.

Focus Areas of AWP1

The AWP1 consists of 17 key activities designed to drive progress towards the SCOPE IPR project’s four expected results. These activities aim to reinforce IP protection across the ASEAN region, particularly through capacity building, awareness campaigns and strategic planning for the future. Below are the key focus areas.

  1. Capacity building for IP offices and enforcement authorities: 11 activities will focus on increasing the technical capacity of IP offices and enforcement authorities across the region. This involves providing specialised training, sharing best practices and upgrading technical tools to help AMS better manage IP registration, administration and enforcement.
    Activities will also include workshops and seminars aimed at enhancing the knowledge and skills of IP professionals, ensuring alignment with global IP trends and innovations.
  2. Awareness raising: three activities will centre on raising awareness within the ASEAN region about the importance of IP protection, particularly among businesses and the public. This includes addressing the significant issue of counterfeiting and piracy by educating the public and businesses on how to safeguard their products, ideas and innovations.
    Outreach campaigns will aim to encourage businesses, especially small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), to utilise IP to drive innovation and protect their assets.
  3. Strategic IP development in ASEAN countries: two activities will be dedicated to discussing and shaping the future of IP strategy in the ASEAN region. This will involve consultations with key stakeholders to define long-term goals and strategies that align with global standards while reflecting the region’s unique needs.
    This strategic development will help create a sustainable framework for IP growth in the ASEAN region beyond 2028.
  4. International treaties: one activity will focus on the alignment with and ratification of international treaties related to IP protection. This is crucial for harmonising ASEAN’s IP regulations with global standards, ensuring the region remains competitive in international trade and innovation.
    By working towards the ratification of key international IP treaties, ASEAN will further strengthen its legal framework, providing greater security and confidence for businesses operating within and across the region.

Expected Results of 2024-2025 AWP1

Through the implementation of these 17 activities, AWP1 is designed to deliver the following results.

  1. 1. Enhanced IP administrative capacity: IP offices and enforcement bodies will have improved technical capabilities to manage IP issues effectively, leading to better IP rights regulation, enforcement and administration.
  2. 2. Stronger IP legal frameworks: national IP laws will be brought closer to international standards, creating a more harmonised legal landscape across ASEAN countries and improving protection for businesses and innovators.
  3. 3. Increased awareness and utilisation of IP: usinesses, particularly SMEs, will have a stronger understanding of how to use IP strategically to enhance competitiveness and protect their innovations. The public will also be more informed about the dangers of counterfeiting and piracy.
  4. 4. Strategic planning for future IP development: ASEAN will have a clear path forward for future IP initiatives, ensuring continued progress and sustainability in protecting IP.

The AWP1 represents a critical phase in the SCOPE IPR implementation, which will ensure ASEAN continues to strengthen its IP frameworks, benefiting the region’s economies, innovators and businesses.





Activity Clusters and Key activities











Public awareness raising on Madrid and Hague Agreements



Development of Performance Measurement Tools for ASEAN IPR Action Plan 2026-2030



Study on the economic impact of IP in ASEAN



Training for the ASEAN IP academy



Support to the ASEAN IPR Helpdesk for SMEs and IP valuation seminar for SMEs



ASEAN convergence network meeting on industrial designs



ASEAN convergence network meeting on trademarks



Workshop on patents focused on emerging technologies in ASEAN



GI for ASEAN countries: prospects and challenges



Exchange of best practices on online infringements/cybercrime



IP mediation seminar



Support to ANIEE in raising awareness on IPR infringements



ASEAN IT consultation meeting



Social media campaign on the importance of IP Rights



Publication of ASEAN handbook on IP Rights in the digital world



Women and IP: accelerating innovation and creativity



Participation in IP events

01 - 30 Jan - Apr

ASEAN Convergence Network Meeting on Industrial Designs

Activity 6 provides a platform for discussions on design practices, aiming to improve the quality of design services across ASEAN and foster networking opportunities. The meeting seeks to contribute to harmonising industrial design examination practices among AMS.
01 - 30 Jan - Apr

ASEAN Convergence Network Meeting on Trademarks

This activity aims to enhance trade mark service delivery among ASEAN IP offices by providing a platform for interactive discussions among trade mark examiners. The meeting will focus on improving the quality of trade mark examination practices and fostering harmonisation among AMS.
01 - 31 Oct - Dec

Study on the Economic Impact of IP in ASEAN

This activity conducts a comprehensive study on the contribution of IP-intensive industries to the ASEAN economies, providing policymakers with evidence-based data to support IP rights reforms and raise awareness of IP’s economic significance.
01 - 31 Oct

ASEAN IT Consultation Meeting

This activity focuses on discussing the future and sustainability of ASEAN IT tools with relevant AMS, including potential work in areas like data quality and cybersecurity.
01 - 31 Oct - Mar

IP Mediation Seminar

This activity aims to enhance the soft skills and technical expertise of ASEAN mediators, ensuring they are equipped to resolve IP disputes effectively.
01 - 30 Sep - Apr

Participation in IP Events

This activity focuses on SCOPE IPR’s participation in major IP events across the ASEAN region and work with other stakeholders. The goal is to enhance visibility for the work of AMS, the AWGIPC and the EU, showcasing how IP can drive socio-economic development in the region.  
01 - 30 Sep - Apr

Women and IP – Accelerating Innovation and Creativity

This activity aims to develop an ASEAN IP office strategy that addresses gender disparities and promotes the active participation of women in the IP sector. It seeks to identify solutions and initiatives to enhance women’s roles in innovation and creativity within the ASEAN region.
01 - 31 Sep - Jan

Training for the ASEAN IP Academy

Activity 4 focuses on strengthening the ASEAN IP Academy by developing soft skills for trainers and enhancing the delivery of IP-related materials.
01 - 31 Aug

Workshop on Patents Focused on Emerging Technologies in ASEAN

Activity 8 provides support to AMS in addressing new patent applications related to emerging technologies. The workshop will serve as a forum for discussing future patent initiatives and assessing strategies to meet objectives in this evolving field.