Protecting origin-linked products using Geographical Indications
eLearning course

General overview

This eLearning course on origin-linked products (OLPs) and Geographical Indications (GIs) is designed to provide participants with a basic understanding of the importance of origin-linked products and how they can be protected and leveraged as a valuable asset by producer groups.

Course design

The course consists of three modules, with a total of 8 sessions, accompanied by resource materials in the form of videos and text.

The course is designed to be delivered either as live sessions or self-paced, where interested stakeholders can access the online materials on their own time.

Participants will find the learning exercises integrated in each module especially useful, as they provide an opportunity to apply the knowledge gained from the sessions.

Below, you can find the structure of the course, with an outline of each module and session. Click the PDF icon next to each session to download the text content.

Use the menu on the left to navigate the course online contents. In each part, the content in web format is preceded by a video, where an expert makes a more detailed and visual presentation.


    Module1 introduces participants to the fundamentals of origin-linked products and discusses how intellectual property tools (IP tools) can be used to protect and brand these products on the market. There are two sessions under Module 1:

    caripi-circles Session 1.1 outlines what is meant by an origin-linked product. PDF slides

    Part 1: Understanding terms

    Part 2: Scope of origin-linked products

    Part 3: Strategic management of origin-linked products

    Part 4: Origin-linked products and marketing strategies

  • caripi-circles Session 1.2 deals with the fundamentals of developing an origin-linked product business strategy and how intellectual property (IP) protection, using a Geographical Indication system, can be integrated into the strategy used by producer groups and other value-chain actors to maximize the potential benefits of their origin-linked product. PDF slides

    Part 1: Interest in branding origin-linked products

    Part 2: Branding tools for origin-linked products

    Part 3: Implementing origin-linked product strategies


    Module 2 provides more detailed information on the use of Geographical Indications as a tool to protect and promote origin-linked products and their producers.

    caripi-circles Session 2.1 addresses the different IP tools available to protect origin-linked products. PDF slides

    Part 1: Recap of the importance of intellectual property tools for OLP business strategy

    Part 2: Integrating intellectual property tools in OLP strategies

    Part 3: IP tools - Individual trade marks

    Part 4: IP tools - Collective trade marks

    Part 5: IP tools - Certification trade marks

    Part 6: IP tools - Geographical Indications

    Part 7: IP tools - Geographical Indications and trade marks

    caripi-circlesIn Session 2.2 participants will learn of the positive impacts of integrating Geographical Indications tool in the overall business strategy developed by producer groups to market their origin-linked product. PDF slides

    Part 1: Positive impact of Geographical Indications - Introduction

    Part 2: Positive impact of a Geographical Indication strategy

    Part 3: Sustainability of Geographical Indications

    caripi-circles Session 2.3 provides participants with a more detailed presentation of the key elements of a Geographical Indication protection strategy. PDF slides

    Part 1: Geographical Indications protection activities

    Part 2: Elements of a Geographical Indication protection strategy


    Module 3 of the course explains the key factors involved in developing a Geographical Indication management strategy for origin-linked products.

    caripi-circlesIn Session 3.1 the focus is on developing Geographical Indication specifications for the concerned origin-linked product. PDF slides

    Session 3.1: Geographical Indications specifications

    caripi-circlesIn Session 3.2 controls and the development of Geographical Indication control systems are covered. PDF slides

    Part 1: Geographical Indication control systems – Some basics

    Part 2: Geographical Indication control schemes

    Part 3: Geographical Indication control approaches

    caripi-circlesFinally, Session 3.3 focuses on the Geographical Indication management system and key elements to take into consideration in the daily management of such systems. PDF slides

    Part 1: Introductory elements

    Part 2: Elements of the organisation

    Part 3: Legal framework