Green Gateway: the use of IP in promoting sustainable EU-Brazil trade
Led by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), the Green Gateway webinars held on 26 and 27 September 2024 provided Brazilian businesses with valuable insights on using intellectual property (IP) rights to promote sustainable trade with the European Union (EU).
The seminars organized in the context of the EU-funded IP cooperation project AL-INVEST Verde IPR were co-organised with the National Institute for Industrial Property (INPI) of Brazil, the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo (FIESP), and the National Service for Industrial Training in the State of São Paulo (SENAI). The event was streamed from the EUIPO headquarters in Spain and attracted numerous Brazilian companies interested in expanding their presence in the EU market.
The first day focused on how trade marks can support and boost sustainable trade. Experts from the EUIPO, INPI Brazil and the University of Alicante discussed the strategic use of EU trade marks, eco-brand protection and the role of IP rights in driving climate change mitigation and market expansion. The second day highlighted sustainable design protection, covering EU design registration procedures, presenting case studies on sustainable design practices from both EU and Brazilian industries, and showcasing eco-friendly strategies and their market impact.
The two-day webinar equipped Brazilian businesses with practical knowledge on leveraging IP rights to enhance their competitiveness and promote sustainability in international markets, while stressing that IP rights are essential tools for innovation and effective brand protection. Recordings will be made available in our Learning Portal.
The EUIPO, as implementing agency of the EU-funded IP cooperation project AL-INVEST Verde IPR, will continue to organise similar events in the region for the benefit of users.
Consult also the activity page for more information about the event.
- Presentation - Green EUTM study – 2023 update - Nathan Wajsman
- Apresentação - Estrategias Internacionais para a Proteção de Eco Marcas - Patricia Barbosa
- Apresentação - Orientações sobre o uso do sistema de registro internacional a partir Brasil - Felipe de Castro
- Presentation - Certification Marks and Green Labelling - Hugh O´neill
- Presentation - Collaboration with EUIPO and DesignEuropa Awards since 2020 - Päivi Tahkokallio
- Presentation - Design Protection in the European Union - Monika Tomczynska
- Presentation - EU Trade marks, Best practices, Registration insights and Key case-law -Monika Tomczynska
- Presentation - International Protection Strategies Using the Hague System - Monika Tomczynska
- Presentation - Remigo's Approach to Sustainable Design - Mark Vrtovec and Ajda Bertok
Available in portuguese and english, find below the english version of the recordings.
Día 1:
Día 2: