News and Activities
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Participation in the IP Key LA Summit 2025, as a part of ensuring continuity in the transition from IP Key to AL-INVEST NEXT
For more information about the IP Key LA SUmmit 2025, see:…Key results showcase Uruguay
This meeting aims to showcase key results achieved in Uruguay as part of the AL-INVEST Verde IPR…IPO staff expert-meetings (II) Knowledge Exchanges on Innovative, Customer-Oriented Business Processes and Solutions - MERCOSUR & CHILE
Online Workshop for IPR experts of IPOs about the development, implementation and management…Past Activities
IPO staff expert-meetings session II of 2024: Knowledge exchanges on Guidelines for examination of trade marks in MERCOSUR countries and Chile
The event is organised by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) by means of the…#CONEXIÓNVerde Brazil
The European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) will organise the event #CONEXIÓNVerde in…Supporting the Promotion and Strengthening of Geographical Indications from the Amazon Region at the ‘Origens Brasileiras 2024’ event
The European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), through the EU-funded project AL-INVEST…IPO staff expert-meetings session I of 2024: Knowledge exchanges on patent technology platforms
The event is organised by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) by means of the…Other news
Recognition of GI Status in Argentina for two origin-linked products featured in GI mentorship initiative run by the EUIPO in MERCOSUR countries
The European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) acknowledges a significant milestone reached for two Argentinian origin-linked products featured in the AL-INVmentor mentorship programme: Té Argentino, Argentine tea from the province of Misiones and Northeast of Corrientes, and Miel de flo [...]
EUIPO reaches significant milestone with GIs mentorship initiative: all participating MERCOSUR producer groups unite in Brazil to advance geographical indications
The European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) co-organised the event #CONEXIÓNVerde in Belém of Pará in Brazil, in collaboration with the other implementing partners of the AL-INVEST Verde programme: the development organisation sequa, the International Italo- [...]
EUIPO drives GI promotion and local development at international event in Brazil
The European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) played a key role in co-organising Origens Brasileiras, Brazil’s most significant geographical indications (GI) event in its sixth edition, in the context of the EU-funded intellectual property (IP) cooperation project AL-INVEST Verde IPR. [...]