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Meet the Argentinian producer groups selected for AL-INVmentor and the origin-linked products they produce

Following a competitive selection process, involving 17 agri-food producer groups from 12 provinces across Argentina, the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), co-funding and implementing agency of the AL-INVEST Verde IPR project financed by the European Commission, and the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Ministry of Economy of Argentina, selected the producer groups to receive specialised mentoring to optimise the use of geographical indications (GIs).

The selected producer groups will receive guidance on the documentation process to obtain protection or recognition for their regions and products before the competent national authorities, as well as improving the performance of regions that are already officially registered or recognised. The producer groups selected and the products they produce are:

  • Té argentino, (Argentine tea), represented by the Association for the Geographical Identification of Té Argentino in the province of Misiones and Northeast of Corrientes.

Té Argentino, from the province of Misiones and the Northeast of Corrientes is known for its mild, sweet taste and distinct aroma. This is due to the area’s subtropical climate and fertile soils, enriched by the Paraná, Uruguay and Iguazú rivers. The tea is cultivated in moderate altitude plantations that benefit abundant rainfall and warm temperatures, contributing to the tea’s clarity in cold infusions, and its high polyphenol content. The traditional harvesting and production process preserves the quality of the leaves.

  • Miel de flores de Atamisqui - Santiago del Estero, (flower honey), represented by the GI Council of Miel de Flores de Atamisqui de Santiago del Estero in the province of Gran Chaco Americano.

Honey made from Atamisqui flowers originates from Santiago del Estero, a wooded and semi-arid region, located in the Gran Chaco Americano, the continent’s second largest and most important biome which shares borders with Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil and Paraguay. This honey, made from the nectar of the flowers of the Atamisqui plant, native to the region, is renowned for its unique taste, high quality and nutritional and medicinal properties. It has a sweet and delicate flavour with floral and herbal notes, a light amber colour and a smooth texture. The abundance of Atamisqui flowers in certain areas of Santiago del Estero, allows bees to produce monofloral honey.

  • Pimentón de los Valles Calchaquíes, (paprika powder), represented by the Secretariat of Agricultural Development of Salta and the Civil Association of the Council of the Designation of Origin of Pimentón del Valle Calchaquí in the province of Salta.

Paprika from the Calchaquí Valleys in the province of Salta, is an emblematic product known for its quality and unique characteristics, reflecting the region's rich traditional and ancestral agricultural heritage. Cultivated in the fertile soils of the Calchaquí Valleys at altitudes of over 1 500 metres, this paprika is distinguished by its red colour with orange hues, mild aroma, and sweet taste. For its cultivation, native seeds sourced and selected exclusively from the designated geographical area and irrigated with water from the tributaries of the Calchaquí river, are used . The slow sun-drying process and manual milling preserve its natural properties, resulting in a slightly coarse-textured paprika with a high concentration of carotenoids, which gives it a distinctive colour and flavour.

With the support of the EUIPO through AL-INVmentor in collaboration with the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Ministry of Economy of Argentina, producers of té Argentino, Atamisqui flower honey and Calchaquí Valley paprika powder from Salta will face global market challenges more effectively. This guarantees the product’s origin, authenticity and quality, promoting local economic development and the preservation of natural heritage.

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