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Judges’ network meeting on progress of case-law compendium

On 29 May 2024, the ‘AL-INVEST Verde IPR Protection Network’ met online to discuss notorious trade marks based on presentations of European and Latin American cases, as well as the progress of a compendium on intellectual property (IP) case-law. The network meets regularly to foster dialogue, share expertise and analyse recent cases to equip participating judges and magistrates from the MERCOSUR countries and Chile with the necessary tools to address the complexities of IP protection and to strengthen and harmonise legal frameworks.

About the case-law compendium

The IPR case-law compendium will serve as a repository of relevant case-law from the region, cataloguing all the precedents and facilitating the interpretation of IP law. It will also serve as a reference tool that organises and classifies terms and concepts related to IP jurisprudence and doctrine, with a benchmarking approach to EU best practices. It will also promote the development of a shared knowledge base and an up-to-date jurisprudence bank focusing on trade mark-related matters. The compendium will offer valuable information and data for enforcement institutions to make informed decisions, providing practitioners, judges and policy makers with crucial information on jurisprudence.

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