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First phase of AL-INVmentor officially launched in Paraguay and Brazil

AL-INVmentor is the novel mentorship programme of AL-INVEST Verde IPR. The first phase of the first edition of the programme includes six mentorships in the MERCOSUR countries and includes selecting the mentees, followed by subsequent phases that include fieldwork and workshop series aimed at helping the producers with their internationalisation strategies to support their transition towards a low-carbon, resource-efficient and more circular economy in line with the European Green Deal. AL-INVmentor will also accompany local producers in obtaining legal protection against unauthorised sustainability claims.

The mentorships in Paraguay were officially inaugurated on 6 May in Asunción, Paraguay and will be elaborated in close cooperation with the Paraguayan National Directorate of Intellectual Property (DINAPI). The mentorships in Brazil were kicked-off on 10 May during the Inova Amazônia – Bioeconomy Summit for start-ups from the Amazon in Manaus, Brazil and will be carried out in coordination with the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (SEBRAE).

The main objectives of the first mentorship series of AL-INVmentor are to:

  • raise the visibility of Geographical Indications as Intellectual Property (IP) instruments that favour sustainable development;
  • support six groups of producers from MERCOSUR countries with mentoring that will enable them to maximise the benefits of GIs as an IP instrument;
  • contribute to help the selected products adapt to the regulations associated with the European Green Deal and thus gain access to the EU market.

Find more information about AL-INVmentor MERCOSUR here.

Producer (groups) interested in applying as a candidate to receive mentoring can register via the below country specific registration forms.

Registration form Paraguay

Registration form Brazil

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