Workshop on drafting GI Product Specifications
Geographical Indications (GI) Product Specifications is an important document to help control and improve GI protection and enforcement. On 23 and 24 November 2021, ARISE+ IPR organised a workshop on drafting GI Product Specifications. The workshop was intended for GI producers, GI associations, and government officials in the relevant fields in the ASEAN region. The workshop facilitated potential GI producers in drafting the GI Product Specifications and helped existing GI producers to improve and maintain the quality of their GI Product Specifications.
The two-day event aimed to amplify the capacity of GI producers and associations through several discussions. Those discussions included the importance and key elements of the GI Product Specifications, the mobilisation of value chain stakeholders in the drafting process, the step-by-step drafting guide, the challenges of the drafting process, and the next steps.
- Miranda Risang Ayu Palar - Introduction about GI Product Specifications [PDF - 0.80MB]
- Miranda Risang Ayu Palar - How to draft GI Product Specifications [PDF - 1.40 MB]
- Miranda Risang Ayu Palar - GI Product Specification drafted: What's Next [PDF - 0.96MB]