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ARISE+ IPR publishes the new and updated Madrid and Hague Booklets

In September 2021, ARISE+ IPR set out to draft the booklet ‘The Madrid Protocol: a route to global branding’ for Malaysia, to prepare the booklet ‘The Hague System: bringing Vietnamese design to the world’ for Vietnam, and to update the existing booklets with country-specific information.

This initiative supports ASEAN IP offices, local micro-, small and medium sized enterprises (MSMEs), trade mark and industrial design owners, design creators, producer and export associations, and IP advisors to understand the advantages of using the systems and following the procedures. This better understanding will, in turn, benefit the growth of their businesses. These practical guides include procedures for filing trade marks and designs under the relevant treaties. They also put forward strategies for making the best use of the international registration systems.

The new and updated booklets for the Madrid Protocol and the Hague System are accessible here.

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