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Georgian, Moldovan and Ukrainian Officials Attend Joint EUIPO-CPVO Seminar

The European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) welcomed the participation of delegates from Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine in the seminar ‘30 Years of Innovation: Celebrating Intellectual Property Together’, organised in collaboration with the Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO) on 19 September 2024.

The seminar, which took place at the EUIPO premises in Alicante, Spain, was attended by intellectual property (IP) officials from the National Intellectual Property Center of Georgia (Sakpatenti), the Moldovan State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI), the Moldovan State Commission for Crops Variety Testing (CSTSP) and the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination (UIPVE), thanks to the support of the EU‑funded IP cooperation project EU4IP

The seminar demonstrated the EUIPO’s vocation and ability to mobilise key IP actors. In this particular case, IP experts from EU Member States, non-EU countries, associated agencies and international organisations, such as CPVO and UPOV, shared their knowledge and experience in different areas of IP. The aim was to provide participants with the tools and expertise to improve practices in their countries while fostering cooperation on IP matters between stakeholders. This confirms the EUIPO’s commitment to bringing experts from Ukraine, as well as Georgia and Moldova, into the heart of Europe’s most prominent IP rights debates.

The event covered topics such as artificial intelligence and the role it could play in emerging applications; the new EU legislative reform on designs and geographical indications (GIs); the fight against counterfeiting and IP rights infringement; IP corporate strategies and protection standards; and the link between IP and sustainability (e.g. green labelling, certification rights, GIs, designs, plant variety rights).

On 20 September, in a series of technical meetings, each country presented the state of play of its plant variety and breeders rights’ system, including the roles and responsibilities of the respective national authorities. These bilateral exchanges provided an open and constructive dialogue to discuss about operational and enforcement practices and to identify and explore areas for further cooperation under the EU4IP project.

The information gathered during the sessions will contribute to improving sustainable best practices, standards and administration in AGEPI, CSTSP, Sakpatenti and UIPVE, particularly in plant variety rights. The EUIPO actively supports the Georgian, Moldovan and Ukrainian authorities by providing the necessary tools and knowledge to secure and protect IP rights, promote innovation and improve the IP system as a whole.

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