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EUGIPP and Sakpatenti host a series of events during September to support the IP enforcement network in Georgia

On 21-23 September 2022, the EU Georgia Intellectual Property project (EUGIPP) and the National Intellectual Property Center of Georgia (Sakpatenti) will continue the series of stakeholder consultations to discuss the draft guidelines and law amendments related to IP rights enforcement practices.

This time, the capacity-building event will target representatives from the private sector, who will provide their feedback on the work carried out so far in the field of IPR enforcement. The consultation will follow up on the conclusions of the recent meeting with enforcement authorities, which took place in February, April and June 2022.

During the event, stakeholders will exchange their views on the current status of Georgian legislation in the field of IP enforcement, with a view to further aligning to EU practice.

The consultation will be followed by a seminar where EUIPO representatives will present the latest updates on enforcement legislation and practice at EU level. During this seminar, only open to enforcement authorities, participants will benefit from the in-depth insight on the EU legislation and national best practices regarding the enforcement of IPR. On the last day enforcement experts will provide a training session for public authorities on the draft enforcement guidelines.

These activities are part of the EUGIPP’s 2022 Annual Work Plan and will enhance the existing collaboration between Sakpatenti and the stakeholders responsible for enforcing IP rights in Georgia.

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