Face-to-face Technical Assistance Meetings with Producer Groups
As part of the CarIPI Mentorship Programme, from 14 to 19 March 2022, the project organised the first face-to-face meetings between the mentors and producer groups from Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago.
So far, CarIPI’s assistance has been provided online. However, given that the possibility of travelling has now been restored in various CARIFORUM countries, face-to-face meetings have been organised to provide the opportunity to discuss thoughts, ideas and concerns in a more comfortable and collaborative environment.
The aim of the mentoring sessions is to help the producers of origin-linked products in the CARIFORUM member states choose the most appropriate IP tools to certify their products as GIs or certification/collective marks. This protection can then be extended internationally via the bilateral agreement in progress between CARIFORUM and the EU.
The programme’s objective is to enhance the competitiveness of unique agricultural and non-agricultural products produced in the CARIFORUM region.
In the next few months, mentors will be working one-on-one with producer groups to implement the programme strategy designed for each participating group.