
The EUIPO meets with INPI Brazil regarding the Benchmarking and Diagnostic Exercise and Action Plan study

The European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) of Brazil held a virtual meeting on 29 January for a presentation on the ‘Benchmarking and Diagnostic Exercise and Action Plan’ study carried out in the framework of the EU-funded project AL-INVEST Verde IPR. In addition, the EUIPO’s new organisational structure as well as highlights from the EUIPOs new Strategic Plan SP2030 were presented.

The Benchmarking and Diagnostic Exercise and Action Plan study aims to strengthen INPI’s capacity by establishing a benchmark of quality management practices and elaborating an action plan aligned with Brazil’s Intellectual Property National Strategic Plan (ENPI). The study involves a comprehensive review of existing documentation, in-depth workshops with INPI and the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (OEPM), and benchmarking with leading EU intellectual property (IP) offices, including the EUIPO and the OEPM in a Team Europe approach.

Participants from the EUIPO included the Director of the Business Operations Department who presented on the EUIPO’s organisational structure and Strategic Plan, as well as the AL-INVEST Verde IPR project team. INPI participants included representatives from the Trademark Directorate, the General Coordination of Resources and Administrative Nullity Processes, the General Coordination of Quality, the General Coordination of Planning and Strategic Management and the Coordination of International Relations.

The EUIPO draws on years of experience delivering high-quality services to its users and has established a robust quality framework to ensure the excellence of its operations. In the area of quality, the EUIPO focuses on continuous improvement, establishing and maintaining high standards for its procedures and services and measuring user satisfaction through regular surveys and feedback channels. The EUIPO has implemented a Quality Management System (QMS) that is certified to the ISO 9001 standard, which provides a framework for managing and improving its processes. It has also established a set of Quality Principles that guide its operations, emphasising accuracy, timeliness, and user-focused services.

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