
Meet the Brazilian producer groups selected for AL-INVmentor and the origin-linked products they produce

Following a competitive selection process involving 40 groups of agri-food producers from 13 states across Brazil, the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), the co-funding and implementing agency of the AL-INVEST Verde IPR project financed by the European Commission, in collaboration with the Brazilian Support Service for Micro and Small Enterprises (SEBRAE), and the National Institute of Intellectual Property (INPI) announced the selected producer groups to receive specialised mentoring to optimise the use of geographical indications (GIs).

The selected producer groups will receive guidance on the documentation process to obtain protection or recognition for their regions and products before the competent national authorities, as well as improving the performance of regions that are already officially registered or recognised. The producer groups selected and the products they produce are:

Açaí de Codajás, (açaí palm fruit) represented by the Codajás Agricultural Cooperative (COOPCOD), in the state of Amazonas.

Açaí is a nutrient-rich fruit native to the fertile lands of the Amazon rainforest, known for its superior quality and nutritional benefits, characterized by its dark pulp and unique flavour containing chocolate and red fruit notes and an earthy undertone. Codajás, situated in the Solimões River Basin within the state of Amazonas, features vast forested regions where the açaí palm tree flourishes. This fruit is rich in antioxidants, fibres, essential fatty acids, tannins, and anthocyanin, and is valued for its energy-enhancing and overall health benefits. In addition, its sustainable production supports local communities and contributes to the preservation of Amazonian biodiversity.

Cocoa beans and their derivatives from Rondônia, represented by the Association of Cocoa Producers and Chocolate Manufacturers of Rondônia (CACAURON), in the State of Rondônia.

Cocoa and its derivatives from Rondônia are highly valued for their superior quality and flavours, which originate from the area’s ideal climate and nutrient-rich soils found of the Amazonian region. The cocoa beans, have a complex flavour profile with hints of tropical fruits, nuts, and floral notes. The derivative products, such as chocolate and cocoa butter, are produced using both traditional and modern methods that preserve their natural properties. This cocoa is also valued for its high antioxidant content and essential nutrients, making it a premium ingredient in the global chocolate sector.

Coffees from the volcanic region of the Poços de Caldas Plateau, represented by the Association of Coffee Producers from the Volcanic Region, in the State of Minas Gerais.

The coffees from the Volcanic Region of the Poços de Caldas Plateau are known for their distinctive flavour and superior quality. The beans are grown in mineral-rich volcanic soils at altitudes ranging from 700 to 1 300 metres above sea level, resulting in unique flavour profiles. These coffees have a full-bodied and creamy texture, balanced acidity and complex notes of chocolate, caramel, citrus fruits, and spices. The region’s favourable climate and sustainable farming practices, mastered by the local coffee growers, contribute to the production of high-quality beans, which are enjoyed both locally and internationally.

Thanks to the collaborative work of the EUIPO, SEBRAE and INPI Brazil through AL-INVmentor, the producers of açaí from Codajás, cocoa from Rondônia, and coffee from Poços de Caldas will be able to enhance their practices and increase their competitiveness in national and international markets. This joint effort reinforces the importance of protecting and promoting the unique identity and origin of local products, ensuring economic, social, and environmental benefits for both agricultural producers and their communities.

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