Online workshop

Virtual workshop - Plant Variety Licensing

The online workshop, a joint activity between AL-INVEST Verde IPR and IP Key Latin America II, promotes the Plant Variety Licensing Lab training, developed during the first phase of the IP Key LA project.

The Plant Variety Protection system can provide valuable R&D benefits to public research institutions, breeders and SMEs in Latin America. The workshop aims to improve knowledge of the law and practice involved in commercial transactions of new plant varieties in Latin America and Europe. 

The workshop was given by Dr. Miguel Rapela, Academic Director of the Master in Intellectual Property and New Technologies of the Austral University of Argentina, and Dr. Antonio Villarroel, Secretary General of the National Plant Breeders Associations (ANOVE) of Spain.

The event lasted 2,5 hours and was attended by about 500 participants from public institutions, SMEs and university students interested in deepening their knowledge about plant variety licensing. Find below the recording.



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